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2014 Distinguished Graduate Award Medal Ceremony
2014 Distinguished Graduate: ADM Edmund P. Giambastiani, Jr '70, USN (Ret.)
2014 Distinguished Graduate: ADM Charles S. Abbot '66, USN (Ret.)
2013 Distinguished Graduate Award Ceremony
Distinguished Graduate Awards: Vice Admiral John R. Ryan '67, USN (Ret.)
A little taste of the IET Achievement Awards ceremony 2014
2013 President's Medal for Outstanding Graduate Student SUNY Chancellor's Award
2014 Distinguished Graduate: ADM Michael G. Mullen '68, USN (Ret.)
University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address - Admiral William H. McRaven
HAHS 7th Annual Distinguished Graduate Medal Ceremony
Distinguished Graduate Award Ceremony 2018
2014 Medal for Distinguished Service: Sonia Nieto